Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Past Is Just Boring Anyway

It's sort of hard sometimes to face the reality that eventually, most of the culture and such you've experienced throughout your life will only be vaguely remembered, and be extremely homogenized in the minds of your great great grandchildren. When you think of say, the difference between 1910 and 1915, you probably don't really imagine that things had changed that much in those five years, but think about how much different the world is now than it was just five years ago. Hell, things fall in and out of style within months, sometimes even weeks these days, so it's sort of difficult imagining that people will just assume that the entire decade we just went through was mostly all the same. Hell, I know that people are already doing that to the 80s and 90s, so as far as I know, the 00s (which I have no actual way to say aloud) will probably end up the same way.

But then I get to thinking that maybe things didn't change nearly as rapidly back then, but the internet and other technological wonders have made it so that things become fads and then die out very, very quickly. Hell, look at internet memes.* We consider them to be old after what, a week? I can't figure out whether things actually were a lot slower say, twenty years ago, or if I just think of it that way because, again, I think of everything as basically happening around the same time, when it really wasn't like that.

I'm gonna give myself a headache again.

*I do sort of like the idea of future generations considering internet memes to be important cultural benchmarks though.

1 comment:

  1. THE Mad ScientistMay 6, 2011 at 10:50 PM

    I wonder whether or not the term "noob" is going to be some obsolete slang word that only our generation will use.
