So they always say how anyone can be president some day, right? But it doesn't really work that way, does it? Sure, it's theoretically true, because anybody can RUN for president. But getting nominated? That's a bit tougher. See, to actually be a legitimate candidate, you need money. If you can't afford to advertise and drum up publicity, no one's even going to know that you're running.* But hey, you can start small, like trying to be a mayor or something, then work your way up, right? Well yeah, if you have a background at a law school or something like that. So what if you just can't afford college? Then no presidency for you.
Not that it's REALLY a bad thing. Yes, it does suck that not everyone has an equal, legitimate chance, but on the other hand, can you imagine what it would be like if ANYONE could have a real shot at the presidency? Watching the news would just be insane. Because they'd just have to cover as many people as they possibly could. Actually, it'd be kind of cool if the elections were more like a tournament, and we got to slowly weed out the riff-raff. Of course, it would take a long-ass time, but everything would be way more awesome.
And then we'd get to see the REAL crazy people! You think Palin's wacky? We'd be getting rednecks and animal rights activists and all the people from the crazy end of the spectrum.
I changed my mind, this would be a great idea.
*Although, I bet the media would totally eat up a story about a guy running a campaign out of his garage or something. That also has potential to be the feel-good movie of the year.
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