Why exactly do we continue to fight long after it's been made abundantly clear that neither person is going to change their mind? Do we get bothered by the other person being wrong so much that we feel the need to waste so much energy on it? And this is not a criticism of society, this is something I do all the time. What the hell is wrong with us?
Let's take an example: creationists versus atheists. Without taking sides, why do either of them bother arguing? Nothing either one of them says will ever get the other to say "Okay, yeah, you're right. God does/doesn't exist." It simply won't happen, and yet people keep debating it. No one wins this fight. All you get is a sore throat and a strong hatred of your fellow man.
Let's try another one: gay marriage. I am thoroughly convinced that, besides the post-puberty "holy crap I've been being a homophobic dick" epiphany, no one's opinion has ever been swayed in this argument. Ever. The people who argue against it will not change their characters that drastically, and the people who argue for it are not going to say "Damn, you're right. Gays are evil. Let's go kill some queers." It doesn't work like that. Or rather, it doesn't work like that with people who don't have railroad spikes lodged in their brains. Yeah, I'm willing to take sides on that.
I'll say it again: People are crazy.
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