Thursday, September 30, 2010

Speak of the Devil Part 2

 Well, crap. The great Hollywood Hype Machine has let me down once again. I have seen a billboard for it, and while there will be another Saw movie, it will not be called Saw, as I had hoped. It's not even going to be called Saw VII! Apparently, numbering movies in the correct, linear order for seven films straight is just completely impossible, so this installment will be called Saw 3D. No, I am not kidding you.

First of all, everyone knows that you're supposed to make the third movie 3D so you can make a horrible pun about it. That's like a basic concept of film-making. More importantly, why are they only changing the numbering now. I mean, I realize that once a series gets too many sequels, the producers have made enough money to have their beds built out of crack, so they get a little loopy and just start calling them the movies title and then a stupid sub-title, but why now? The poster on the most trusted source on the internet, Wikipedia, says that it is "The Final Chapter". You can't just not name the last one! That's stupid!

Of course, this almost certainly won't be a problem, because there is no chance that this is "The Final Chapter". That simply will not happen. The freaking fourth Friday the 13th movie also claimed to be "The Final Chapter", and they made like six more after that. And you know what the worst part is? The damn thing will probably be getting a "reboot" in about ten years. And it's either going to be called Saw or Saw: Resurrection, so I might get my wish anyway.


  1. Rocky then Rocky Balboa. Sup AVGN.

  2. "What are they gonna call the next one, John Rambo?"
    3 months later...
    "I feel like I picked on a retarded kid or something."
