Friday, December 16, 2011

Fox News Liberal

I often wonder why the people who complain about Fox News so much keep watching Fox News. I mean yeah, we get it, it's an embarrassment, but then why are you still watching it? You know, because SOMEBODY'S gotta be posting all those videos on YouTube. Taking the time to record all of it and everything? That's a lot of dedication to something you hate. It's not like there aren't fifty thousand other news channels on. Or hell, the internet. Or hell, pretty much anything else to do that isn't watching Fox News.

A lot of people argue that it's good to watch things like that, to see what the "other side" is thinking. But you know what? No. Fox News is not the "other side". That's like saying that the "other side" for conservatives are the PETA people. Yes, they're idiots, and they're fun to make fun of, but most people aren't actually like that. The "other side" is the actual smart, competent Republicans. You know, the ones that can actually articulate their beliefs beyond "Barack Obama is totally a gay Muslim". I think sometimes we forget that some of the people who disagree with our opinions aren't insane, racist bastards. Some of them are alright.

But I suppose it's pointless, since as long as there are idiots, there will be cynics like me to make fun of them. But I'm just wondering where all these people are coming from. Maybe they just LIKE Fox News, but they make fun of it because they want to fit in. Peer pressure is a harsh mistress.

1 comment:

  1. The argument could be made that it's a matter of knowing one's enemy. A general of an army would certainly want to know what his enemy is up to, after all. For most people perhaps, knowing this sort of thing isn't necessary, but for those who might oppose what Fox News stands for, it would be useful to follow it, even if it just adds to their notoriety, which it probably does.
