Friday, October 1, 2010

Superheros For The Modern Age

A small team, it will be composed of only three members. They will fight with heart! With vengeance! With courage! They are....THE SOCIAL SITUATION SQUAD!

Product Placement Jane! With the ability to plug products and let the rest of the team know that Clorox Brand Clorox is the best cleaning product on the market! The world is in her hands, with companies paying her thousands of dollars to mention product names to the people she saves, so that they begin to associate not dying with the cool, refreshing taste of Pepsi(tm).

Captain Obvious! With his powers to inform the citizens of Earth that yes, that meteor, is, in fact, very big. And yes, we should probably do something about that. Thank you Captain Obvious. What would we do without his acute powers of clairvoyance? Die, that's what. Because you totally didn't see that plane coming.

Awkward Silence Man! He can ruin any supervillian team-up just by telling them about the time his Aunt Pearl got a chicken beak stuck in her throat. He can even distract entire citizens from the impending doom by making everyone uncomfortable about it! True American Hero, everyone.



  1. Fuck you dude, buttsex man, and valtrex boy.


  2. See cuz generally, I don't write like that.
