I begin to become slightly depressed when I see the signs for gas prices, but not in the way most people do. I don't drive. Gas prices don't mean diddly-crap to me. No, I become depressed because of one particularly stupid thing I've been noticing lately.* Alright, so we've already established how stupid the "99 cents" thing is. Like, seven months ago. Then we get to gas stations. Gas stations will, without a hint of irony, display a price as three dollars, ninety nine cents, and nine tenths of a cent. And this is the point where it begins to become a bit disturbing. There is no possible way to have nine tenths of a cent. It will always, ALWAYS be rounded up to a full cent.
That's kind of where it just goes into just flat-out lying. Granted, what they're saying is technically true, it's such a blatant attempt to trick stupid and/or unobservant people into thinking they're saving a cent. And that really is the saddest part. It's ONE GODDAMN CENT you cheap, cash-mongering, low-life bastards. But it adds up for you, doesn't it? Oh yeah, because you REALLY need more money. I'm sure you need that extra two dollars per fill-up so you can afford another goddamn yacht.
And remember, these are the same people who cause oil spills and all that other stupid bullcrap. So not only are they trying to cheat us out of even more of our money, they're causing problems that our tax dollars, also known as MORE OF OUR MONEY, will have to fix. Maybe you'll change your mind once your stupid private cruise line gets covered in crude oil and broken beer bottles. I'm not even an enviromentalist,** and I know I'm a bit late on this, but JESUS...***
*This seems to be a theme for the past couple of weeks. I can't tell whether or not this makes me more or less psychopathic.
**I did find it kind of funny that Firefox didn't consider "enviromentalist" to be a word though.
***When I started writing this, I had no idea I was going to make myself this pissed off. It's a fun writing mood.
That's cause you spelled it wrong.