Knock knock jokes kind of suck. The main problem with them is that they're jokes, and that's a bit of an issue, because they aren't funny. Basically, traditional knock knock jokes are puns, but they're puns without any actual context. Now, puns have to be pretty damn well played to be funny in the first place. They tend to kind of suck unless they're delivered really, really well.* So basically, knock knock jokes are the lowest possible form of joke. And we tell them to children.** And there's like a freakin' million of them. Why?
You know it's bad when the only kind of a type of joke that's actually funny are the SUBVERSIONS of that kind of joke,*** and even THOSE have become cliche. I think that's the point where it's time to stop making knock knock jokes. If you like knock knock jokes, you are most likely a baby who does not yet know what comedy is.
Also, every time I hear a standup comedian tell some sort of pun, and they aren't Bill Cosby, I come very close to stabbing them. Which is very difficult to do when you're not actually there, so it takes some effort.
*Or ironically, which is my favorite thing in the universe next to homophones getting punched in the crotch. And elephants.
**I hated knock knock jokes as a child. Then again, I was a bit strange. "NO! That is NOT a well-crafted comedic angle!"
***Interrupting cow.