Alright, so we've all seen the incredibly embarrassing posters for Red Riding Hood,* but there's something in particular that I noticed about them the other day that's been bugging me ever since. At the top of the poster, it advertises that the film is from the director of Twilight, and that confused me a lot. Not because he's doing the film itself. I'm totally okay with talentless people branching out to spread their lack of merit to other things.** What I don't understand is why they're advertising that for a movie like this. Seems sort of counterproductive to me.
See, because what's the main demographic for Twilight? Right, teenage girls and pedophiles. Alright, and what's the main demographic for stupid horror movies? Right, young adult males*** and pedophiles. Okay granted, there's one overlap there, but pedophiles aren't really a very profitable demographic. Basically, I just don't understand how advertising that is going to boost sales very much. Seems like it would actually bring them DOWN, considering Twilight's reputation outside of it's core fanbase.
Of course, this is assuming that the actual movie is anywhere close to what the posters are advertising. The way the marketing business works, this could be a buddy cop movie about potatoes for all we know.****
*This isn't so much passing judgment on the film itself before it's released as it is just making fun of the marketing strategy and well, the title. It's so very, very difficult to take it seriously as a horror movie when they call it that. I haven't seen any trailers for it, but when I imagine hearing deep-voice-trailer-guy saying "Red Riding Hood" as menacingly as he can, I just laugh...
**Seriously, I was forced to watch Twilight once. The cinematography was just awful. I realize that's not ENTIRELY on the director, but JESUS...
***I said MAIN demographic, nerd girls. Calm down.
****Working title: RACLETTE AND SPUDS
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