Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Please See This Movie Oh God

I think it's awesome that Tom Cruise still thinks that putting his name on a poster makes people go "Oh snap, Tom Cruise is in this! We gotta go see it!" Or rather, that advertisers missed that, since I'm about 97.4% certain that he didn't actually put together the poster for Mission Impossible 4,* although I imagine that situation might have come up, because he's probably crazy enough to insist on it. Apparently, they all didn't get the memo that pretty much everyone started hating Tom Cruise about three years ago when we realized hey, this man is dangerously insane. Also, he's a Scientologist,** and everyone hates Scientologists. Sure, there are plenty of them in Hollywood, but most of them at least try to keep it somewhat under wraps. Tom Cruise is the Scientology equivalent of those Jehovah's Witnesses who won't get off your goddamn porch.

But hey, maybe they're banking on the whole "crazy" thing. After all, people do love spectacle. That's why we so greatly enjoyed Charlie Sheen going completely off the rails a couple months ago. So I guess maybe they're trying to convince people that they might have accidentally left in the take where he went insane and tried to shank one of the other actors for hailing Xenu. Actually, that'd be pretty good. If Mission Impossible 4 has a blooper reel, I would love to see it.

At least John Travolta had the courtesy to already be a complete nutcase. Cruise just sort of slower went more and more nutty. Hollywood does great things to people, you know that?

*I refuse to call it Ghost Protocol, because it's the fourth goddamn movie and all the other ones had numbers on the end.
**These two things are very rarely mutually exclusive.

1 comment:

  1. No no. He is not the equivalent of "those Jehovah's Witnesses who won't get off your goddamn porch". He's the equivalent of one of those bastard parents who try to put their 6 year old daughter in a psychotic hardcore Scientology bootcamp school... OH WAIT. That's just him.
