Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Always Preferred Doodle Jump Anyway

Why is everyone so obsessed with Angry Birds? Okay yes, it's a fun game, I'm glad we're all in agreement on that, but it's not THAT fun. It's got charm, sure, but there are what, millions of games on the App Store these days? I just don't see what makes it such a big deal. Now there's commercials and crap. Where the hell did this come from? It's not like it was even a very original game in the first place. By my last count, there are about 10.3 craptilion "fling the thing at the pile of physics objects to not stuff over" games out there, and Angry Birds certainly wasn't the first. It's a fun version of it, and it's well-presented, but it really isn't anything special. Am I missing something? I've played it. It's pretty alright. But apparently, it's better than Tetris.*

And on a semi-related note, what's with this crap where it costs a dollar for the iPhone, but is free-to-play on the Android Market? Did Rovio just decide that it's now officially making enough money from plushies and t-shirts that the actual GAME doesn't really matter much anymore? And if so, WHEN DID WE REACH THE POINT WHERE THAT WAS EVEN POSSIBLE? I'm not ANGRY about it, it's just...goddamn, HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? It's just a stupid Flash game shoved onto a touch screen phone! EVERYONE STOP FREAKING OUT!


I think we've officially reached the point where it's allowed to blow over and be forgotten about. At least, until the inevitable release of Angry Birds 2. Oh shut up, you know it's coming.

*Yeah, Angry Birds has now officially outsold Tetris. EVERY VERSION OF TETRIS. Goddamn.

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