Monday, October 25, 2010

Murder Simulators Part 2

How the hell do military shooters even exist? I'm not talking about the ones where they just completely make up a war, like Modern Warfare 2, I'm talking about the ones that actually take place during a real war that happened. Isn't it a little bit disrespectful to entertain yourself by pretending to be someone who actually fought in a war? And I'm not even one of those uber-patriotic types with a lot of respect for America and everything, I just think this is sort of weird.

I mean, World War II only happened around eighty years ago, right? I'm pretty sure there are still some veterans that are still alive, unless I'm mistaken. So that's pretty messed up, isn't it? I think it is. So why is it that people won't shut the hell about Grand Theft Auto and all that crap, but nobody ever complains about military shooters? Maybe they do, but it's not nearly as bad.

I'm just waiting for the day when somebody makes a Vietnam game*. There will be hell to pay, and it is going to be SO MUCH FUN to watch. I bet we don't get it until at least thirty years from now, when most of the Vietnam veterans will be too dead or senile to care**.

*Love hatemail.
**LOOOVE hatemail.

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