Wednesday, August 18, 2010


You know what would be fun? Just for like, a month or so, let's just get rid of safety regulations. Like, just to see what would happen. Because the way I see it, we'd either find out that the populace in general is smarter than the people in charge think they are or we'll find out that people really are that stupid.

I think that people should be able to make their own phenomenally bad decisions. If someone wants to buy a TV that says right on the box it will fire hot lead in your face, I say let them. Just have the only rule be that you have to say what your product does on the packaging.

It's just that the government seem to think they have some kind of responsibility for our safety, but I don't think they should have to deal with that. They've got bigger problems. And this will solve them. We'll cut down on the number of idiots! It's a win/win!

But no! Because we have to think of the children! You know what? Think of your own damn children. Let the rest of us do what we want. It's our lives, we can take them if we want.

1 comment:

  1. One of your Uncle's favorite sarcastic sayings is:
    "But but but it's for the CHILDREN!!!"
