Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Better Than Formula One Part 2

Okay, so we've already discussed how much cooler NASCAR could be. What about other things on TV? For example, wouldn't it be awesome if Survivor didn't suck? In my lifetime, I have only ever met one person who watches Survivor and it was my dad, and he watches chick flicks, so he's not exactly an expert on entertainment. But it could be so cool!

Basically what I'm proposing is this: let's make it actually about surviving! None of this "challenge" or "tribe" crap. Just a bunch of people, dumped on a deserted island with no resources, forced to fend for themselves. Of course, the last one alive is the winner. You know, the SURVIVOR. The one who lived. I bet we could get tons of people to do it if we jacked up the prize money to, say, two million dollars. Stupid people will do anything for money. That's like, the Las Vegas creed. Put that on a t-shirt.

Of course, it would be a bit tricky. We'd have to find some way to get a whole bunch of small, durable hidden cameras to place all over the island, but I'm pretty sure we already have that technology. Though they'll have to be pretty sturdy to be able to take the occasional run-in with the bears. Oh, did I not mention the bears? Yeah, there's going to be bears.

And just for fun, make one of the contestants secretly work for "Fox". He has a machine gun. It'll be just like "The Most Dangerous Game"! Or possibly Battle Royale, but without the government conspiracy. Actually no, government conspiracy would be cool too. Let's get to work on that.


  1. I'm responsible for making you read battle royale *smiley face*

    I say no machine gun. No technology at all. in fact, drop them on the island naked and unconscious.

  2. Hey!! WE watch Survivor!! (But no chick flicks. Good job outing your Dad on that one. heh heh heh)

  3. I like that angle there too. How about "Survivor" and "Survivor: BLOOD EDITION"?

  4. There will be hornet volcanoes, I presume?

  5. Yeah, it's gonna be like the island from that one Scooby-Doo episode. Friggin' scary.
