Thursday, September 9, 2010

Unintelligent Life Part 2

Okay, so we've already established that people have very little imagination when it comes to aliens. However, I recently had another realization about this, and it's a strange one.

Have you ever noticed that in every single depiction of extraterrestrial life in well, anything, there's always only one culture to each planet? Like, on every individual planet, all the people look the same, and they all speak the same language. Does that seem right to you? That would be like if everyone on Earth spoke "Human" or "Earthanese". This is of course barring the times when they all arbitrarily speak English for no adequately explored reason.

And they all dress the same too. If they're monster-like, all of them wear identical armor, regardless of whether or not they're soldiers. If they're humanoids, they're either gray and naked or look exactly like people and all wear skintight jumpsuits. This is also in the cases where they're not just floating tentacle/brain things. I'm reasonably certain that wouldn't be evolutionarily sound. An exposed brain sounds like a disadvantage. Although it's never been to much of a problem for me.


  1. I think that part of it is the idea that a society in which there are no language, culture, or race barriers MUST be superior to our own.

    Either that or every alien movie ever has been lazy or cheap.

  2. That actually sounds pretty plausible.
