Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Taking Me Seriously Part 2

Why is it only considered racism if it's perpetrated against people who aren't white? Yes, yes, I realize that pretty much every single race on the planet has been wronged by white people in some way, but did you ever think that maybe I don't agree with what my ancestors did? Why should I have to be punished in some form because my great-great-great-great-great grandfather was a dick? Is that fair?

There are so many things that a black person could say to a white person that would get the white guy beaten up if the roles were reversed. It's an interesting dynamic, isn't it? Basically what I'm saying is, the fact that your ancestors got screwed over 500 years ago does not give you license to act like a tosser.

You know what else is interesting? The fact that someone is going to somehow call me racist for saying all this. How exactly does that work? Apparently when you're white, you're not allowed to talk or make jokes about race at all. Like stand-up comedians for example. When Micheal Richards called two black hecklers the n-word, it essentially ruined his career. But if a black comedian used similar types of slurs to insult a white heckler, no one would bat an eye. And yes, I know that the n-word has an awful history and anyone using it at all should get the crap kicked out of them, but come on, I'm trying to make a point. If they made fun of them for being white at all, no one would care, but don't you dare try it the other way around.

People: CRAZY.

1 comment:

  1. racism and prejudice are not the same thing...racism is prejudice plus power.
