Friday, December 24, 2010


Why do we celebrate Christmas Eve? I mean, does Christmas really need two days? It already basically swallows up all of the days around it, doesn't it? When you think about it, pretty much all of December is celebrating Christmas, isn't it? In fact, it can even extend into November. This year, I started hearing Christmas music in the grocery store as early as November 20th. Hell, last year, I saw decorations in stores before Halloween was even over. I think that's really pushing it.

It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Like, what are we celebrating? I know that Christians are just saying that Jesus was born now, but that's only because they all felt left out during the Pagan days when everyone else was celebrating the Solstice. So what the hell is everyone else celebrating? It seems like we just sort of picked a random day for giving people presents and being cold. I think we should rename it to "Don't Be A Dick Day", although that should be every day, but that's probably asking too much of people.

And don't get me wrong, Christmas is awesome, I just don't see why we do it. I mean, besides getting people stuff. That could probably be a reason all it's own, but you're not going to get people to admit that. I think if we could just get everyone to agree that yes, it's all about consumerism, but it's awesome anyway, we'd probably be a lot better off.

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