You know what I want to complain about but don't really have a good opening line for doing so? Voicemail. I freaking hate voicemail.* See, the concept of it is sort of okay. You miss someone's call, so you just hear a message from them once you get the chance. In theory, this works fine, but in practice, it is unbelievably annoying.
The main problem seems to be that phone companies are apparently trying to make it as difficult as possible to listen to your messages.** Have you ever noticed that? Think about how long it takes to actually get to the message. First, the robot starts talking. This goes on for about five hundred hours, then they ask you to put in a password, which is a pain in the ass, because it just feels extremely unnecessary. Then the robot talks for about six hundred more hours, and then you get to listen to the message, which you can barely hear, because the sound quality is terrible. And if you miss something and want to hear it again, you have to sit through the robot talking. AGAIN.
And all of this beside the more common complaints, the fact that people are morons and feel the need to leave long, rambling messages. Don't give me your damn life story, just tell me to call you back. And see, that's the problem. The whole thing could be accomplished with one text message, and everyone's lives would be so much easier. But no, you have to sit through this dictated novel. I hate you.
*God, you can tell this is going to be a very generic post. I'm such a hack.
**Note that this only applies to cellphones. The only advantage landlines have over cellphones is that they get to bypass most of this stupid crap.
Entirely agreed. Voicemail sucks.