Why the hell does daylight savings time still exist? What purpose does it serve at this point? Is it even accomplishing anything? It seems completely arbitrary. Are we just doing it out of tradition now? It sure seems like it.
I mean it used to sort of make sense. We needed the extra daylight to get more work done. I get that, but why do we still so it now? Very few Americans actual still do menial labor until late at night, and even then, we have lights now. We don't even need sunlight anymore. We can just waste abundant amounts of electricity. Let the sun stick with warmth and photosynthesis.
And if you think about it, doesn't it just seem really stupid? I mean, time is already something that we made up ourselves. Sure, days can be measured by the movement of the Earth and all that crap, but the actual numbers? That's something we came up with. So we've basically just decided that we are going to have our own man-made system for keeping time, and then change it for no reason for half a year. It just seems really weird to me.
Oh hey, by the way, do you know if it's possible to be only half-sarcastic?
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