I just sort of recently realized how very, very strange it is that being naked in public is illegal. I'm not saying I'm not glad it is. After all, there are definitely people that make the existence of clothing a Godsend, but just think about it for a second. We are not legally allowed to walk around in our natural state. Doesn't that just sound extremely odd? Like, we as a society have reached a point where going out in public without something man-made on you is not just frowned upon, it's outright banned. That just seems really weird to me.
I wonder if people like businessman and politicians ever think about the fact that we're animals. Do they even realize that? No matter how "civilized" we are, we're still animals. And hell, you can see it in all the crap we pull. We slaughter members of our own species for personal gain, we rape, we burn things for entertainment, we have reality TV and ENJOY IT. I mean, how can we call ourselves a civilized society when that stuff still goes on.
And I know some people would argue that THEY themselves don't do that. But, so? I mean, let's think this through for a second. Okay, so wolves kill people. They have in the past, and they still do. But not ALL wolves kill people. In fact, only rabid wolves have killed people.* But what do we say about that? Do we say "these specific wolves have killed people"? Of course not, we just say "wolves have been known to kill people".**
"People have been known to be dicks."
*My history teacher said it. That makes it true.
**I'm not actually entirely sure if this paragraph makes any sense.
Ahahahaha, yessssss