Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm Going as a Time Traveller

Have you ever realized how weird Halloween is? I mean, dressing up in costumes sort of makes sense, I guess. I mean yeah, sure, we've been having Masquerade Balls since like, Elizabethan times, at least*, so that works. And I guess it's kind of cool that it's "getting the crap scared out of you" themed. Sure, it's one big, nationwide Masquerade Ball with a pants-crapping theme. I can get behind that. Well, not directly behind it. Because well, ew.

But then there's the candy thing. I know, I know, you could go on for days about the roots of the holiday and all that crap, but that doesn't stop it from being weird. I mean, this is the only day of the year where you can knock on a stranger's door and expect to get free food. Every single time. This does not work on any other day of the year. Seriously, try it. If you're over the age of eighteen, you might even get arrested. Somehow.

More importantly, why are parents okay with this? Doesn't there seem to be like five-hundred different ways that wandering around the streets at night on a day where people wear masks seem a little dangerous? Maybe just a little. With the way parents are so overprotective these days, you'd think somebody would have started protesting Halloween. Actually, does anybody have any stories on that? I'd love to hear them.

*This is pretty much the only thing I can remember about "Romeo and Juliet", besides the fact that I desperately wanted to strangle Romeo to death for being such a pussy.

1 comment:

  1. I've said this myself. For 364 days we tell our kids not to take candy from strangers. Then on one day, it's not only okay, but expected!
    A co-worker of mine came in yesterday with a sign he took off his bank's door. It said "Please remove your Halloween mask before entering the bank." Ha!
