Thursday, May 5, 2011

Comic Books Are Surprisingly Unrealistic

I wonder how the world would actually react if a superhero actually showed up in our reality. That's a very, very tough question to answer, because it's something we simply would not have any sort of preparation for.* I guess it sort of depends on what kind of guy got the superpowers. Now, if we just assume that he'd be the morally upstanding type and want to use his powers for good, we can have some fun with the speculation.

My theory is that if he just showed up one day and started trying to stop crime, they'd try to arrest his ass. If they somehow managed to catch him, they'd find a way to lock him up I suppose. Now, if he escaped, he would probably never be able to show his face in public again. Everyone would know who he was. So if he was smart, he'd just tell the local police force about how much ass he can kick. Then the military would catch wind of it, and he'd start winning wars for us.**

Oh, and if anyone decides to be a supervillain, we're totally screwed.

*I've heard the CIA has a series of documents detailing what exactly the US would do in the case of an alien landing, but I'm not entirely sure if that's true. Or if I made it up or not.
**That always confused me. Why do most superheroes only stop crime, instead of using their powers to really help their country out? Maybe they're super anti-war.

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