Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Not Anything Like Alternative Rock

Those kids that go to "alternative schools" are so screwed once they get out into the real world.* Now, I know I'm always talking about how screwed up the public education system is, and how it turns children into mindless drones, or at least tries to. This, however, is not the way to go about fixing this problem. Why? Because while in regular schooling, you learn a ton of completely useless crap, in alternative schooling, you learn absolutely nothing at all.

Once these kids get forced out of this little bubble that the school has created to protect them from the big, bad outside world, reality is going to hit them like a goddamn brick. When they find out that they didn't learn a single goddamn discernible skill throughout their entire childhood, things are going to be pretty damn difficult. Is the American public school system any good? No, not really, but it's better than turning your kids into massive basket cases.

The Waldorf website constantly mentions something called "eurythmy", which is never actually explained. A friend of mine went to Waldorf for a year, and he couldn't adequately describe it either. He just knew it involved some sort of labyrinth, music, and special shoes. This is apparently a very important part of a child's development.

*http://www.openwaldorf.com/index.htmlis a great place to go to learn about the insanity of alternative schooling. It is simultaneously hilarious and incredibly disturbing.

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