Monday, June 6, 2011

A Quarter For Your Thoughts? Nah...

I think it would be fun to try to make an absurdly large purchase entirely in change. Like, a plasma screen TV or something. Mostly because I wonder if they would actually accept it, or if they'd force you to go out and get it exchanged for, you know, real money.* I guess since it's their store, they can do whatever they want, but I think it'd be pretty hard to turn down like, 800 bucks like that, even if you can pretty much only use it for bus fare. But dude, that's like bus fare for the next ten years of your life.** That's not easy to come by.

I think this would really all bank on how funny the initial reaction would be. I bet in pretty much every major electronics store, the poor sap at the counter would just immediately start smashing the panic button. I mean, they just GOT to get the manager in there, if only so they can just SEE it. "STEVE! Check this out! This guy's got a friggin' WAGON full of quarters? I know, right? Friggin' WAGON!" And then Steve would probably proceed to haul you and your stupid wagon straight out of the store.

Actually, it'd probably be just as fun to just show up at the bank with that and demand that they cash it. The teller would probably want to slap the hell out of you just for making him doing all that counting. Yeah, that'd be worth seeing. My jar's got like 40 bucks in it already.

*Although, the concept of money in general kind of renders the term "real money" inherently meaningless. I mean, money is only money if we say it's money. And now I've typed out the word "money" enough that it sounds like a meaningless string of sounds.
**Typing this made me realize that my brain is so averse to doing math that I didn't even feel like figuring out whether or not this is even close to a reasonable figure, even though I know exactly how to do it.

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