Thursday, January 20, 2011

Don't Say The B-Word

Okay, listen. I know it's incredibly trendy to bash the TSA right now. Every yokel on the street thinks they're so goddamn funny because they saw that one SNL skit and now think they're the goddamn queen of comedy or something.* Well you know what? I wrote an essay on that crap for English like three years ago, so screw it, I'm complaining about it anyway. I hated the TSA before hating the TSA was cool.**Or before everyone knew they were actually called the TSA.

So basically, what I really hate is the fact that airport security is basically this sort of single button issue for us. We're pretty careless with virtually everything else we do, and yet with planes, we're completely losing our minds. On a plane, everyone is a terrorist. But what about when you're just walking down the street? THOSE PEOPLE COULD BE TERRORISTS TOO. And they could probably pretty easily blow up a building if they wanted to. THEY'RE TERRORISTS. THEY HAVE BOMBS. NOT VERY HARD. And it's significantly easier to get into a high-rise than it is to get on a plane.

I just think we need to calm down a bit, you know? Sure, people might die, but we'd also be able to get to places in reasonable amounts of time. Seriously, considering how goddamn expensive it is to get on a plane these days, they could at least try to make something less than a massive pain in the ass.

*And I'm goddamn talking like goddamn Holden goddamn Caulfield. Goddamn. Phony.
**What? Stand-up comedy? What's that?


  1. "I hated the TSA before hating the TSA was cool."

  2. I agree with your second paragraph. we should kill everyone
