I'm never really understood the argument that we can't complain about crap pop music because we listened to the same, empty junk when we were kids. Okay, yes, this is entirely true. Children basically have the music taste equivalent to a particularly stupid brick at a Christian Rock concert, but that isn't the point. Or at least, it isn't for me anyway. See, I don't care about kids who listen to worthless garbage. They're kids. They're stupid. If their parents are good at parenting, they'll grow out of it. See, my problem is with people who are in high school and still listen to this crap. The sixteen year old girls who are obsessed with Justin Bieber. THOSE people frighten me a bit.
See, I was sort of under the impression that you were only allowed listen to soulless, money-grubbing pop music as a kid, because again, kids are about as smart as a port-a-potty toilet filled with fireworks and rat poison. I thought that once you reached, say, fourteen, you were supposed to grow out of that. Start listening to something that takes some actual effort from the artist themselves. I despise rap music and how popular it is these days, but at least it requires some talent.* So I'm not entirely sure why you would still be in to stupid crap when there is systematically-proved-to-be-NOT-stupid crap readily available to you.
Also, next person who answers the question "Why do you like his music?" with "He's cute" gets one free stab in the neck. That is not an adequate reason, and you know it. So are there just no attractive guys where these girls live? Do all Justin Bieber fans live in Alabama or something?**
*Granted, a lot of them are almost completely talentless, but rapping WELL is an impressive, if useless, skill.
** "Hmmm...boast, or cheap redneck joke? Oh man, always gotta go with the redneck joke."
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