Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let the Prime Minister Do His Job

Let's talk about the British royal family for a bit, shall we? I'm American, so I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to say that I don't like them without the constable coming to my house to punch my kidneys in.* But yes, they annoy me. I don't even live there and they annoy me. It has nothing to do with their personalities, because as far as I know, they don't have any. It's just sort of the nature of their existence.

See, Europeans always sort of get on our asses about how we worship famous people, don't they? They always say how we have all these people who are just sort of famous for being famous, usually giving Paris Hilton as an example. And, granted, Paris Hilton is about as useless as a bag full of dead rat skulls, but you know what? They have people like them too. Except instead of just being naturally stupid, they're all inbred and pretentious.

I just don't really understand why we still have these people anymore. They don't have any real political power, do they? The queen has about as much influence on Parliament as the UN does on the American government. Basically, they're just there to be rich and waste a lot of tax money. I mean, my God, have you seen all the crap they put together to throw their parties? Doesn't it sort of make you want to vomit blood?

Also, there's like fifty of them, and they're all named Charles or William. That shouldn't annoy me, but it does.

*This is how British law enforcement works, right?

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