Tuesday, September 20, 2011


How did we decide that certain animals are alright to eat and others aren't? I mean obviously it was originally "These animals are pretty docile and taste good, let's raise those", so they started with that. Cows? Okay. Pigs? Fine. Chickens? Awesome. And then it starts to get a little weird. Turkeys? That's usually still okay. Sheep? Maybe, but mostly only the baby ones, which is a bit messed up. Ducks? Only in China. Goats? Getting a bit strange, although milking them is apparently alright. After that, it all goes downhill. Dogs and cats? You'll get arrested in most countries. Frogs and snails? French people don't count. ANYTHING that lives on an African savannah? Not gonna happen. So what's the deal with that?

Okay, pretending for a second that there's no such thing as an endangered species list, why would it be totally gross to eat like, a tiger or something? Okay yeah, that would be horrible. I acknowledge that that would be a horrible thing to do. But WHY is that? Why do we think that way? What if you find out there was this new group of people who were totally into eating anteaters, or badgers, or lemurs or something? Wouldn't that freak you the hell out? It probably would. And I'm not entirely sure why. We just sorta picked which animals are okay to eat, and everything else was just not okay.

Sure, you could make the argument that those animals probably taste awful, but there are two problems with that. First of all, taste is subjective. Case in point: There are people who like mint ice cream.* Second, how do we KNOW? There could be a whole world of soul-destroying food just waiting to be discovered. Let's take advantage of that by never speaking of this again.

*Seriously, I do not understand you people.

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