Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Superpower Lottery

I always like those comic books and movies and other things where EVERYONE has superpowers. You know, instead of it just being a few lucky blighters who get to fly around and shoot lasers at robots and stuff, everyone in the world is born with one unique power. That'd be pretty cool, wouldn't it? I mean, you could just base your whole life around whatever you end up getting. You're invulnerable? Time to join the military. Super strong? Oh man, pro sports would be awesome. You can freaking FLY? There's about a million possibilities there. Just pick something and go with it.

Unfortunately, there is one rather glaring downside. What if you get totally shafted? You know, you spend your entire life trying to figure out what the innate power inside of you is, and then one day it comes up on accident when it turns out that you can control Pop-Tarts with your mind? And you don't even LIKE Pop-Tarts? Those would be the kinds of people who end up having to work manual labor. Which is necessary, of course, but it's gotta suck for them. I just know I would totally get stuck with something stupid. Like I can turn my hand into a toothbrush, or I'm exceptionally good at making bagels.* And then all the other kids on the playground make fun of you, and you have to hang out with the kid that has supreme power of mucus, but he's REALLY excited about it.

Now, combining this with yesterday's "Let's make the world like Gattaca" plan, you just know people would start engineering babies with all the awesome powers. Unless they aren't hereditary, and are completely randomized. Hey, at least then there's an equal chance for everyone. Some up-and-coming kid breaks out of the slums because he got all the awesome powers. Wait hang on, I just had an idea for a movie.

*Actually, I'm not sure why I listed this, since this is clearly a power that I already have.

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