Thursday, September 1, 2011

Life Isn't Fair

So when did the phrase "Life isn't fair" become a catch-all argument for "You are never allowed to complain about anything ever"? Yes, life isn't fair. I think we're all perfectly aware of that. Donald Trump has more money than you. It's pretty readily apparent at this point. But really, when you just get completely screwed in a way that benefits someone else, and your complaints are countered with "Well, you know life isn't fair", don't you just want to punch that jackass? Probably not, I imagine you're a lot more well-adjusted than I am. Maybe you just want to shove them a little bit.

And it's interesting to me how we tell children this with such enthusiasm. "Teacher, Bobby* set my pants on fire and nothing happened to him, but then when I put cyanide in his apple juice, I got in trouble!" "Well, Jimmy, you know life isn't fair." Screw that man. That is a terrible way to placate children. It's like trying to comfort a kid who thinks his grandma went to hell after she died by saying "No you ignorant child, there's no such thing as the afterlife!" Just because something's true doesn't mean you have to say it.

You know, I bet if I start pointing out the unfairness of life often enough, I could eventually alienate everyone I know.
"My husband died in a boating accident this morning."
"Well, life isn't fair."

"I got AIDS from that slutty chick down the street."
"Nobody ever said life was fair."

"Your best friend just died in a fire."
"Hey buddy, life isn't fair. Calm down,"

*You know, I've never actually met a kid named Bobby, but that name always seems to come up when discussing the fact that children are stupid.

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