Tuesday, September 6, 2011

That Dog Keeps Laughing At Me

I don't have much to say about it being the beginning of the new school year tomorrow, besides the fact that I think it's really weird that my district has decided to begin the year on a freaking Wednesday. I mean, I'm not complaining about the extra day off, believe me, I just think it's incredibly bizarre. Go to school three days, then go home again, then come back to school for reals this time. Might as well have just given us the whole week off. Anyway, that's all I have to say about that, so let's talk about something stupid instead.

Hunting has got to be one of the most dickish sports in the world, if you can even call it a sport. Especially duck hunting, with the decoys and all that crap. I mean really, tricking some poor duck into thinking he's going to get some, and then shooting him in the face? That's pretty douchey. Not to mention that hunting for sport sounds pretty damn awful when you describe it objectively. "Yeah, we're going into the woods to pump some oblivious deer full of lead. What? Oh no, not to eat them, don't be gross. We just want to kill them. And then chop their heads off and mount them to our living room walls." That's just kinda nasty, isn't it?

Then again, you don't need me to tell you that hunting is awful. I'm sure Disney movies have already taught you all about that. I'm surprised we don't get more pushes for banning the whole thing though. I mean, of coure the animal rights people are AGAINST it, but that's not one of the big things they go on about a lot. Mostly they hate fur, which involves trapping. Now I'm the first to admit that anyone who pays thousands of dollars to wear a dead animal skin is probably going to hell, but at least they're DOING something with it, no matter how stupidly unnecessary it may be. Game hunters though? They just shoot things for fun. That's messed up man. At least PRETEND to have a reason for it.

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