Wednesday, September 21, 2011

He Started It

I think it's high time we start solving our wars through means besides "killing each other". Come on guys, there's gotta be a couple different things you could come up with. It's not like murdering a whole bunch of 20-year-olds from the other country is anything other than a psychological and emotional blow. Bombing, fine, but combat itself is becoming a bit pointless these days when we have weapons that can level entire buildings, or even countries, we don't have much reason to be doing that stupid crap any more. So let's start fighting by not pointlessly murdering each other, okay? That'd be kinda fun. We just have to decide what it is we're going to do.

Can't be sports, because if it was Kenya and New Zealand would have a massive advantage. I guess New Zealanders have become strong by having to constantly fight giant spiders all day, and...I can't say "Kenyan people are good at sports" without sounding racist, so I'll go with "I think there's like lions there or something maybe not I dunno", so then I'll look ignorant instead. Can't be video games, because well...South Korea. Yeah, just...yeah, South Korea. See, that's the problem right now. America just has way too much of an advantage in the whole "blowing up other places for...reasons that I'm sure someone can up with" market, which isn't fair to everyone else.

Or, here's a good idea, how about full-grown adults stop acting like goddamn five-year-olds and learn to share. Have you ever realized how many world problems would be solved if the people who run our countries just listened to the things most of us were taught in kindergarten. No lying, no stealing, no fighting, wait your turn, and most importantly, share. Yyyeeaaahhh...

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