Friday, September 23, 2011

A Wretched Hive

I'm surprised that YouTube is even allowed to exist these days. You know, because people bitch about how the "Nazis" at Warner Music Group are taking down videos that violate their copyright claims,* but they need to realize that it's amazing what we DO get away with. There are entire MOVIES up on YouTube, and nobody does a thing. Well technically, they TRY to, but they get re-uploaded so fast that there's no possible way the lawyers could keep up, and they have more important things to do. You think Disney doesn't know that there's like a million copies of all their animated movies on YouTube? Of course they do, but they know it's not worth the trouble to try to get them all taken down. There's too many of them, and they come back way too fast. Yes, movies on YouTube are basically herpes.**

So then YouTube has to take the fall for all that, not the users. Because the users are nobody. And it's just amazing to me that there hasn't been a movement by corporations to get the whole site taken down. It's probably because it's such a useful tool for getting videos shown that NOBODY wants it gone. Regular people, companies, terrorists...they all get use out of YouTube. So the companies get to pretty much go screw themselves. YouTube is kind of like if all the digital pirates decided that they were just going to come out and flaunt the fact that they're stealing stuff, right in front of the companies they're stealing from. Actually, it's kind of exactly like that. WOO! ANAAARRCHY!

*I know it gets absolutely ridiculous at times (taking down videos with one second of copyrighted audio, taking down videos that apply for fair use, etc.), but I really wish people would quit whining about this sort of thing. You can't blame them for wanting to keep their claims protected. There are a lot more awful things corporations do to get up in arms about.
**Friday night is Tasteless Joke Night!

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