Monday, March 7, 2011

The Buttons Are Too Small

Technology shrinkage bugs me, and I'm not entirely sure why. Actually, no, scratch that. CELL PHONE shrinkage bugs me. Have you ever seen those super, super tiny laptops? Yeah, those are awesome. Using them makes me feel like a secret agent or a giant or something. So forget what I said about technology,* it's just cell phones. And again, I'm not really sure why it annoys me that we keep trying to make them so damn tiny. Like, it sort of makes sense, doesn't it? You want them to be smaller so they're easier to carry around, but you know what? By today's cell phone standards, the iPhone is friggin'  enormous, and carrying those around doesn't seem to be a problem with anyone. If you can't fit your phone in your pocket, you have crappy pants. Start buying pants that suck less.

And the weight thing isn't really an issue either. You can make those things pretty damn light if you don't suck at engineering, and if your arms really get tired from using a cell phone, you have bigger problems than that. And you know what? Really, really light phones kind of freak me out. They always feel like they're going to just break somehow. Or maybe they're just poorly designed, I'm not sure. Anyway, the point is that I'm not entirely sure WHY we feel the need to make them this small.

I also begin to realize that I probably hate this trend because of how stupidly forgetful I can be. I lose those tiny little bastards all the time. If I had children, I might drop them between the car seats and never see them again. Luckily, that probably won't happen. Having children I mean.

*Why couldn't I just go back and change the first sentence? Because shut up.

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