Monday, March 21, 2011

Turns Out I'm Insane

I feel bad for the people who have to make GPSs.* It seems like it would be a massive pain in the ass to actually do, even with a whole bunch of people working on it. I mean, programming by itself is already one of the most tedious activities in the world, so programming in every street in the entire, holy crap. Seriously, holy goddamn crap. I would rather spend twelve hours a day sticking pencils in my eyes than put up with that crap.** Unless of course it's all automated. It probably is. Well, let's just pretend that isn't the case and continue banging on about how annoying it would be if it wasn't.

Okay, imagine being stuck in a room all day with two computers and a coworker, hereby known as "Kevin". Now, your boss has locked you and Kevin in a room and told you that neither of you is allowed to leave until you have programmed in all of the maps for California. Now, Kevin has been working for the company for about a week, and you hate him. He's one of those guys that tries really, really hard to be funny, but just isn't.*** He smells vaguely like wet cheese. His "Your mom" jokes make you want to smack him in the head repeatedly with the fire extinguisher. There is a convenient fire extinguisher in your executive-induced hell. What would YOU do?

The better question is, of course, what did I do? And the answer is none of your business. Now get out of my house.

*I debated for awhile whether or not "GPS" was the same in plural and singular, because "GPSs" sounds weird when you say it aloud, and doesn't really look right in text. But I figured it would be even more confusing if I did it the other way and just went with this one.
**This may or may not actually be true, but I'm pretty sure there are many, many things I'd rather be doing, most of them not particularly pleasant. Probably has something to do with my absolutely atrocious work ethic.
***Yes, kind of like this blog ha ha you are so funny bite me.

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