I think we need to start trying to get people who hate math and have good charisma to become math teachers. See, because the math teachers we have now, they become math teachers because they like math, but they weren't good enough to become actual mathematicians. Well, at least I assume so, because almost every math teacher I've ever met had the people skills of a tea spoon.* Of course, this isn't ALWAYS the case, but since I've only had about one math teacher that DIDN'T act like they'd been trapped in a broom cupboard for the past fifteen years with only an episode of the Andy Griffith Show as their reference for human relations, I'm going to assume that it's at least reasonably common. So of course, we want to try to find charismatic people to teach math, which will be impossible, but shut up, I'm dreaming.
More importantly, we want them to hate math. Why? Because math teachers that LIKE math don't understand how anyone else COULDN'T like math. See, they don't understand that pretty much everyone else in the world with a working brain hates what they love, kind of like being a Justin Bieber fan.** So at least if your teacher hated math, they would understand you, not cry and scream and ask why you don't get it when it's SO OBVIOUS.
This plan, of course, will not work, because nobody would actually WANT to become a math teacher if they had those qualities. They'd be off doing a job that DOESN'T make kids want to stab themselves. And you know what? I don't blame them.
Yeah, not sure if I was clear enough. Math can go dive into a tank full of herpes-infected jellyfish.
*This probably has more to do with the fact that people who like math are, to use a rather outdated term, left-brain, and tend not to be as good with people, but I'm getting to that.
**No, this was too easy. Don't laugh at that, it was bad.
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