Monday, March 28, 2011

Unintelligent Life Part 5

I always sort of forget that about 75% of the Earth's surface is covered in water and it sort of makes me wonder. If aliens came here, would they consider this to be a "water planet"? Sure, most of it is aquatic, but the entire rest of the planet has incredibly diverse and varied terrains and climates, especially compared to the other planets in our solar system. I mean, they got mountains and crap, but the climate is pretty much consistent throughout the entire landscape. See, because in movies, each planet has their one "thing". There's a jungle planet, or a desert planet, etc. But we don't really have that.

The real question is, would a planet with one single environment and ecosystem be able to even exist as a habitable planet, or are all habitable planets in the universe similar to Earth, with a large amount of water and smaller landmasses occupied by the intelligent life? Or perhaps other planets have intelligent life that resides under water.* That'd be pretty cool. It'd be like Aquaman except not terrible. In fact, if it were scientifically possible, I think a planet made up entirely of ocean would be pretty sweet. And I bet it would look real awesome from space.

I guess what I'm really trying to figure out is whether or not Earth is an anomaly. Do most habitable planets have only one climate? Or are they all like our planet? Dammit, I hope we make contact with another planet before I die or the Earth blows up in a game of space-chicken gone horribly awry. I will be incredibly disappointed. After dying. Or something.

*No, shut up. Dolphins don't count. In this context, "intelligent life" means "building cities and talking and screwing up the environment" and all that good stuff.

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