I occasionally catch myself realizing over and over again just how disturbing the concept of advertising is. Do you ever contemplate that for awhile? It can get pretty vomit-inducing if you think about it too much. Billboards are the ones that get to me the most. You literally cannot escape advertising in this country unless you become a hermit in the MidWest and never leave your house. See, advertising on TV, while monumentally annoying and disgusting, is still at least justifiable, because otherwise the shows you're watching couldn't stay on-air. They need the money. But when you're just walking around, trying to enjoy you're day, getting constantly bombarded by advertising is pretty damn disturbing. I'm pretty sure you don't have to pay to use the sidewalk, although I'm sure they're looking into it.
And of course, the more you read about all the insane amounts of psychological profiling that goes into this crap nowadays, the more you want to start shoving sharp objects into advertisers. Since at this point, people basically completely ignore most commercials and advertising in general,* so they have to become even more disgusting, mongering swine to squeeze more money out of you. And on the internet, where it's sort of hard to legislate things, there's just straight-up lying and scamming, which is just wonderful.
Except movie trailers. Those are okay. You know, because they put actual effort into them that ISN'T based entirely on scamming people.
*Unless it's the Super Bowl, which as I have previously stated, I care about so little that's it's not even measurable by any form of anything ever. Seriously, they could replace every single football game on TV with two straight hours of people falling down stairs and I probably wouldn't even notice until my dad started complaining about it.
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