So yeah, magazine drives.
This is one of those things that was moderately annoying when I was a kid, but got pretty damn disturbing in retrospect. See, there's just something fundamentally wrong with forcing kids to sell crap so that YOU can get more money, and basically making them feel like complete crap if they don't do it. I'm not saying that fundraising for schools is inherently wrong,* it's just that turning kids into tiny little entrepeneurs is just kind of sick. They have plenty of good years before some of them turn into monoplizing business dickheads, just let them have it. It's not like the kids have any idea why they're actually selling the stuff anyway. Turns out they don't know what "economic downturn" is.**
The Girl Scouts disturb me for similar reasons. Blah blah blah, yes, the cookies are delicious, let's move on. It's mostly for the fact that the Girl Scouts don't really DO anything anymore, and I'm not entirely sure if they ever did. And nobody I know has ever actually completed the whole course. Everyone stops when they're like ten, so they don't even get the "impresses colleges" bonus. So basically they take girls, make ridiculous amounts of money off of them and then never see them again. The Girl Scouts are a sinister bunch.
At least the Boy Scouts teach you how to, I dunno, tie rope and hate liberals and crap. Plus, that good old-fashioned American homophobia. God bless America, right?***
*Because seriously, where are you going to get education funding these days.
**Except for that one really smug, smart kid that got the piss kicked out of him for being such a smarmy prick.
***Christ, I went on a tangent there. So yeah, magazine drive can go die.
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