Why do they still make us swear on the Bible in court? I'm not really sure why that should be in any way binding these days. I realize that this country is still mostly Christian, but a majority isn't everyone, and it doesn't really seem right to exclude such a large percentage of the population from being included in your magical oath ritual. Why would an atheist give a damn about lying under oath if they swore on something they don't believe in? It would mean absolutely nothing to them. I mean, lying under oath is still bad and all,* but it seems like we should be using something that people would actually care about.
And of course there's the whole swperation of church and state thing. We're supposed to be a religously neutral country, right? So why are we using a religous text for our court cases? That seems kind of...completely stupid and ridiculous to me.**
Not that the oath actually means anything anyway. People who are going to lie to save their asses regardless of some stupid oath. That's how justice works.
*You heard it here first.
**This is one of those things that's stupid and annoying, but not important enough to actually be worth campaigning against. It's like that guy who tried to get any mentions of God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Cool idea, but seriously dude, I'm sure you have better things to petition for.
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