Monday, October 3, 2011

First Whatever President

It's gonna be weird if Obama doesn't win the reelection, and not just for the "Seriously? We're back to the Republicans again so soon?" reason that you're thinking of. No, I just think that after the huge deal we all (rightfully) made about the FIRST EVER BLACK PRESIDENT, we might still just go back to electing more old white guys. That seems just...odd, even though now that that record has been broken, we're not just going to ALWAYS have black presidents. I don't know, it's gonna seem so boring if the next president isn't a minority. I mean come on, we could at least get a Jewish guy, right? Wouldn't that be kinda cool? Or how about an atheist president? That'd be novel, although I doubt the public's ready. Okay, can we at least get a chick now? We're kinda overdue on that one, aren't we? Come on guys, SWITZERLAND already had one of those. We need to get it together if we, as a country, are going to keep pretending to be forward and progressive.

You know what else? It'd totally suck to be the SECOND black president. You know, because nobody's going to be impressed THEN. It's like yeah, sure, you're the president. We kinda already did that. Looking to get to the moon now. He'd have to have something extra, just to still feel special about it. Hey, how about a midget president? That'd be fun, right? It probably wouldn't inspire a lot of confidence, but hey, it would make political humor almost as easy as it was when Bush was in office, AKA the easy comedy golden age.

Of course, you know we're all waiting for the first openly gay president. Then again, if we didn't get a black guy until like fifty years after the Civil Rights movement, it's probably going to be awhile. And then all the far-right Republicans will cry themselves to sleep every night. Screw 'em.

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