Thursday, October 27, 2011


Alright, let's just get this one out of the way right now.

So I've mentioned before how I think that it's stupid that we say that we're "observing" holidays on the Mondays after them, just so we can have the day off. So I ask you, WHY DON'T WE DO THAT FOR HALLOWEEN DAMMIT? Or, I guess the day after Halloween, that'd be fine too. Or hell, how about just both of them? Come on guys, Halloween's on a goddamn Monday this year? On a scale of one to unbelievably lame, that's like a thirty-seven. So how about we "observe" Halloween on a Saturday, so we can actually go out and do stuff that night without having to worry about sleep? That'd be cool, right? Can we all agree to that? Fine then. When you're sixty, and your kids ask what you did on Halloween when you were younger, so as to offer them some reprise from all the skin melting off their faces,* you can tell them you did NOTHING because you were LAME and didn't want to party on the 29th. And then they'll murder you. Or something. I don't know, children are strange.

Okay, how about we just party all weekend to make up for it? No reason, just straight, government-enforced, non-stop partying until Monday. That'd be fun, right? And then no one would have to show up to their obligations THEN either, cuz they're bosses would be hungover too. And then we'll just kinda slowly let reality sink back in after a few days. Give it some time. Maybe then everyone could chill out in between all the election coverage.

*I'm just going to assume that in the future, face melting will be a major issue. Maybe hair metal makes a comeback or something, I don't know.

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