Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The New Model Can Clean Rain Gutters Part 2

Alright, let's get down to mildly disrespectful business: Steve Jobs died today, and I have a few questions. No no no no, stupid questions. Not reasonable things like "What happens to the company now?" and "Who's going to replace him at whatever job he was supposedly doing?" No, you don't come here for rational viewpoints.* You come here to be made extremely uncomfortable and leave spam in my comments section, so let's get down to business.

First of all, how long do you think the media frenzy is going to last? Now, there's always a lot of insanity going on after a really famous person dies, and occasionally it gets a bit absurd. For me, the breaking point was with Micheal Jackson. Seriously, they went on and on and on about that for MONTHS. And everyone acted real surprised about it too, didn't they? "Oh wow, Micheal Jackson is gone I can't believe it who would've thought he was so healthy etc." And then they autopsied him and found at least twelve varieties of narcotics and a small family of woodland creatures. I didn't have a blog at the time, but if I did I probably would've stopped regular updates altogether and just replaced them with a rephrasing of "Oh my God shut up about Micheal Jackson already" every day.

What were we talking about? Right, Steve Jobs. Now, I'm personally more concerned about how much this is going to affect the "Mac vs. PC" war. Oh, I don't mean in sales. I'm talking about the greasy manchildren who think that arguing over that sort of thing matters and have never heard of the term "personal preference". What I'm waiting to see is when the super anti-Mac people start taking cheap shots. That's going to be a lot of fun. How much you want to bet that someone is going to post something really offensive on Twitter, and the geek media is going to pummel the crap out of them? I give it a day.

*Actually, according to my hit statistics, you don't come here at all. This is basically just me shouting into an empty room here.

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