Monday, October 17, 2011

There Are No Appropriate Puns

Nothing interesting for me today? No? Great, let's harp on conservatives again.

I've already gone over the whole "If conservatives want a smaller government, why are they so into controlling our lives?" thing before, probably more than once. But something that's been particularly bugging me lately is the conservative stance on abortion. Yeah, we could go on for a long, long time about how stupid this debate is, and I know you all are just shocked, SHOCKED that I'm pro-choice,* but there's one thing in particular that's been bugging the hell out of me lately. Namely, how can you be "pro-life" while simultaneously decrying gun control and SUPPORTING THE DEATH PENALTY? Come on guys, at least be consistent. If the ultra-conservatives want to be the one "Kill things if necessary" side of every debate, they should be going all the way!

I thought you guys were supposed to be hardcore! You know, killing the gays and whatnot. Okay how about this: People like the Westboro Baptist Church are pro-life, and they want to kill homosexuals, right? Or at least, they wish they were all dead. Okay, so let's say there's a fetus that a woman wants to get aborted, and through magic future space technology, they know the kid's going to be gay. Somehow. I don't know, I'm not a doctor. Would they want to abort the fetus? That'd be a hard sell, I think. The point I'm trying to make is the Westboro Baptist Church are bastards.

Pretending to be serious for a moment, this is probably one of those things that people are going to be arguing over for far, far into the foreseeable future. I mean, gay marriage legalization is basically inevitable, and I think someday people will agree that maybe we should get in on that free healthcare party, but abortions are going to be hard to get passed. At least as long as all the doctors keep getting assassinated. That's a great way to show that your side is the sane side guys.

*Calling your movement the "pro-life" movement is such a dick move. The implication that the opposite side is made up of people who hate life is so prevalent it hurts.

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