Thursday, November 24, 2011

After the Beep Guys

Can we all just collectively agree not to use voice mail anymore? It really doesn't have any more reasons to exist at this point. If someone calls your cell phone, and you don't pick up, you're going to see that you had a missed call. Every cell phone has that feature now. And if you see that, you're gonna call them back, or text them, or whatever. And then you don't have to deal with waiting for the robot lady to answer on the voice mail, then trying to remember what the hell your password was,* then listening to the ten minute message your drunk friend left at two in the morning about how they're having "a hell of a time" with all of the "hot bitches" and that you "need to get your ass over here right now".

And that's when you get an actual message at all. Don't you hate it when you go through the entire irritating process of getting connected to the voice mail, and then you find out that somebody just accidentally sat on their phone and left you a twenty minute long message containing nothing but some ambient noise and the occasional muffled scream? I think that's the point when we should have realized that we're basically abusive towards technology. All of this great stuff we can do, and we leave twenty minute voice mails with it. Awesome.

On the other hand, I am excited to be living in the world where the PHONE CALL is becoming obsolete. Technology is developing fast as hell guys. Something that was mind-blowingly revolutionary just over 100 years ago is becoming a minor annoyance. Awesome.

*I forgot my password years ago, so now I just don't listen to voice mail anymore. It is wonderful.

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