Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Buy All of the Drugs

Commercials for prescription drugs always scare me a little bit. They always suggest that you ask your doctor about their specific drug, and I am reasonably certain that that is not how the doctor-patient relationship is supposed to work. So you have some commercial for Make-Your-Life-Suck-Less-Icil, and they'll be all "If you have an existentially unfulfilling existence, ask your doctor about Make-Your-Life-Suck-Less-Icil." I'm pretty sure if you said to your doctor "HEY! The commercial lady said that I need this RIGHT NOW!", he'd probably inform you that you are, in fact, not the doctor, and to let him do his goddamn job.

People complain about "Big Pharma" a lot, which I think is a really stupid term, but it is pretty damn irritating when you realize that medicine is a business just like everything else. I mean, I don't want to deride people for trying to make money, since they're just trying to stay alive like everyone else, but it sort of doesn't seem right, does it? I mean, you're in a business that improves drastically the more people stay unhealthy. In fact, you are producing an item that becomes useless once it's successful, which is a conflict of interest on several different levels.

Of course, I'm still not going to be one of those nutjobs who completely dismisses modern medicine. Because seriously, screw you guys. If you let your kid die because you think "God will save him", you deserve to go to hell. They're kind of like those idiot in New York who made their kids pull out of school to hold signs on the streets about the rapture. You sort of feel for those kids, but then you realize that those are the idiot fundamentalists of tomorrow, and it gets sort of morally ambiguous.

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