Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Minus Jokes Are Easy

Right, so we're all reasonably certain that Google+ is going to fail. I mean sure, everyone loves Google, but there's a lot of issues here. Facebook is just...unbelievably massive at this point, and this seems like sort of a weak attempt to topple their success.* "But wait!" you cry, startling a nearby child. "MySpace was huge and popular too, and Facebook took them out! You are WRONG and STUPID Pineapple." Well, there's two problems with that. First of all, MySpace was crap. It was poorly optimized, full of ads, and ugly. Second, Facebook is not only popular with teenagers and confused pre-adolescents. EVERYONE is obsessed with Facebook these days. It's far bigger than MySpace ever dreamed of being. There is a movie about it. Come on guys.

But you know why I REALLY think it's going to fail? Probably not, but I'm going to tell you anyway. Because "Google" has already become a verb, so how are we going to talk about it. I mean, if you "Facebook" someone, that means plenty of things RELATED TO FACEBOOK. However "Googling" something specifically refers to the search engine. And "Google-plussing" sounds stupid. If Google started a DIFFERENT social networking site that was owned by them, but operated separately (i.e: How YouTube works these days), then it could have alright. But nope, they screwed themselves.

I'm not saying Facebook is eternal, of course. I think eventually, something will eventually come along to replace it, and that site will eventually be replaced as well. But it won't be Google+. Because it's too damn hard to say.

*I like to think that Google tried to buy Facebook, and Zuckerberg was all like "Yeah, no." So Google was like "Then we'll just make our OWN Facebook! Muahahahaha!"

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