Monday, July 11, 2011

You Will Be Hit By a Bus

I hate psychics. Well, actually, I guess that isn't entirely true. I can't hate psychics, because there's no such thing as psychics. I hate the people who CLAIM to be psychics, because they are awful, awful people. Now, there are two distinct groups in this little category of insanity: delusional people and scam artists. Delusional people are either mentally ill, and have therefore come to believe that they have mystical powers through the infinite energy of being balls-out crazy, or they've just been somehow convinced that they're magic. Either through hippie parents or just an insurmountably large ego, these people think that they're just super-duper special. And yeah, they're idiots, but I don't hate them nearly as much as I hate the other group, the scam artists. I don't think they need any introduction, really. These are the people who KNOW they have no powers. They're well-aware that there's no such thing as psychics, and they're just doing it to rip off gullible people. And they're bastards.

Speaking of those gullible people, they annoy the hell out of me too. You know, the people who base major life decisions over what their horoscope says. If a girl ever breaks up with you because her horoscope said you were bad news, I wouldn't worry about it. If she's dumb enough to believe that crap, she probably wasn't worth it in the first place. Actually, it sort of annoys me that they print horoscopes in the newspaper. I know that they have fine print about it not being real, but that does NOT seem like the right place to be writing random crap some jackass with a telescope made up off the top of his head.

Basically, astrology and psychics and all that bull are just religion without all of the positive things about religion (the good ones at least). Stripping away all the positive morals and reasonable back-up evidence, and you're just left with pure, unconditional belief. We can do better than that.

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