Friday, July 29, 2011

Speak of the Devil Part 3

I'm a little bit late on this one, since a lot of people have already made joke about it, but it's really bugging me, and I want to talk about it. Now, I think there's a question that we all want an answer to...


It seems pretty damn unnecessary to me. But more importantly, they called the fourth one "The Final Destination", which was pretty damn stupid. I'm glad they figured out that not putting numbers on the end and just using the same damn title again is stupid and confusing, but now they've just made it ridiculous. You can't STOP numbering the sequels for one installment and then start doing it AGAIN. That's horsecrap, and you know it. It's like when we had Guitar Hero 1, 2, and 3, then Guitar Hero "World Tour", and then Guitar Hero 5. THAT'S STUPID. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT.

Of course, it couldve been worse. They could've called THIS one "Final Destination 4", which would've made me throw something through the nearest window. Or hey, they could've called it "5inal Destination", which seems to be popular lately. You know, the "replace letters with numbers" thing used to work when the number either looked like the letter or sounded like the word you were replacing. But now apparently you can just do whatever the hell you want. I'm looking at you, "Se7en". A seven looks nothing like a V, and you know it.

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