Friday, July 22, 2011

Look At How Vibrant It Is

HDTVs don't really impress me that much. Not because I'm incredibly pretentious and consider it not good enough for me, but just because I don't really care about picture quality that much, and I can barely tell the difference anyway. I'm sure that to...whatever the picture quality equivalent of an audiophile is (Videophile? Firefox's spell-check says that's a real word, so I guess so. Then again, it also considers "Scientology" a word, so it's not above accepting made-up words.), that makes me an embarassing plebean who just doesn't understand how mind-blowing HD is. The thing is, I don't really care.

Of course, now that they're starting to become almost ubiquitous, it's sort of unavoidable. Plenty of people have them, but I'm not really sure it's worth the money just so you can see more individual hairs in Jack Bauer's perpetual stubble. It seems more like a luxury for people with absurd amounts of disposable income, or weirdos like my dad who go on and on about picture quality. Try as they might, they will never get me to care.

It's all better than 3D TVs though, at the least. I don't think I even need to explain how stupid those things are. Here's a big shock for you, Sony: Nobody wants to wear your stupid glasses when they're watching TV. In other news, it looks like crap even with the glasses. Nice try though.

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